2022 |  | PhD Astrophysics
| | |
IRAP (Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology) - Toulouse, France |
2005 |  | Advanced Master’s degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
| | | ENSEEIHT (National school of higher education in Computer Science, Hydraulics, Electrotechnology and Applied Mathematics) - Toulouse, France |
2002 |  | Engineering degree, option Physics and Modeling | | |
Télécom-Physique Strasbourg (National school of higher education in Physics) - Strasbourg, France |
2002 |  | Master's degree in Subatomic Physics, Modeling, Instrumentation | | |
IPHC (Institute for Subatomic Research) - Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg, France |
1999 |  | Licence (Bachelor’s degree) in Physics, Astrophysics option | | |
Université Paul Sabatier (University of Sciences) - Toulouse, France | |  | 33th rank out of 694 candidates to the Engineering Schools’ Entrance Examination (CCP) |
1996 |  | Baccalauréat, Sciences section, Physics-Chemistry option | | |
Lycée International Victor Hugo - Colomiers, France |
Professional experience
Oct.'19 |  | PhD Astrophysics - IRAP/GAHEC
Thesis topic : Theories of Modified Gravity faced to future data of EUCLID survey
The study of the characteristics of dark energy, source of the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe, is currently at the center of the scientific concerns of many projects in Cosmology. The physical origin of this acceleration is in fact still totally unknown. The main index of acceleration of expansion is the Hubble diagram of type Ia supernovae. This thesis work is part of the study of some of these alternative models to general relativity in connection with the preparation of the scientific exploitation of the EUCLID mission.
One of the models to be studied initially is to try to account for current observations by assuming that the gravitational constant varies over time or with scale. Such a possibility fits for example in the context of cosmological models of "Brans-Dicke" type. In a second step, once a theory is well formulated and confronted with current data, the work will consist of examining the possible contribution of Euclid data to constrain an alternative model to the standard ΛCDM model.
The EUCLID satellite project is intended to better characterize the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe and its possible origin. The cosmological tests can be divided into two main categories: geometric tests that connect an observable to an intrinsic property of the object as is the case with the apparent luminosity of supernovae and the tests of measurement of the growth rate under the action of the gravitation of the initial density fluctuations. This second type of test has been implemented very little at present because it requires having large samples and good control of all the systematic. EUCLID will allow a much better level of statistics and systematic control on the weak lensing signal or the clustering properties of galaxies.
Apr.'14 |  | HPC Engineer at CNES (French National Space Agency)
| | |
Study and Optimization of SWOT prototype (Surface Water Ocean Topography Mission) - C++/OpenMP simulation of altimetry data collection - Code profiling with Gprof, Valgrind/Callgrind and Maqao tools, Implementation improvement for scalability, Comparative tests with Intel and MKL (Math Kernel Library) compilation, Vectorization study and MPI parallelization feasibility.
Software study of forwarding display solutions, State of the art, Benchmarking.
Mar.'10 |  | Study Engineer at CERFACS (European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in
Scientific Computation) | | |
Study of the ergonomics and development of the generic nature of the AVSP
tool (modeling acoustic properties of combustion chambers) with view to cross-platform porting (IBM Blue Gene/Linux/Cygwin/MacOS)
Apr.'10 |  | Putting on line the CERFACS MPI training project | | |
MPI parallelization of the sequential code for numerically solving the 2D and 3D Heat equation -
Breaking down the domain with a cartesian process topology,
intercommunicative integration, results validation, performance evaluation : MPI 2D - MPI 3D |
Jun'.08 |  | Putting on line project - Bachelor’s degree in Physics - Astrophysics option | | |
Numerical solving of Friedmann-Lemaître equations :  |
Feb.'08 |  | Personal project - Study and use of the CAMB code (Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave
Background) | | |
Applications to the constraints on cosmological parameters in the concordance model (ΛCDM) and others alternative
models :  |
Mar.'07 |  | Putting on line project of numerical simulation - Bachelor’s degree in Physics | | | Modeling with Matlab chaotic phenomena generated by Gaspard-Rice’s
scattering system - Demonstration of chaos and calculation of the fractal dimension of the scatterer : 
Sep.'05 |  | ENSEEIHT Digital Electronics Project | | | Synthesizing VHDL description of a 32 bits SPARC processor (CRAPS) on Spartan-6 FPGA board with Xilinx ISE IDE and development of USB low level libraries for interfacing on GNU/Linux systems the processor with a Java monitor written by Jean-Christophe Buisson (N7) : 
Jun.'05 |  | ENSEEIHT Digital Electronics Project | | | Development of a robot toy module by designing type state from Moore diagrams -
Software implementation in SHDL (Simple Hardware Description Language) -
VHDL Conversion - Hardware implementation on Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA board (Nexys 3) : 
Nov.'04 |  | ENSEEIHT Software Project | | |
Development of the Othello game - Setting up a man-computer strategy with Negamax algorithm, coded in ADA - Javascript version : 
Feb.'04 |  | Putting on line ENSPS Project | | | Development of an image processing GUI in C++/Qt - Blur filter with Gaussian convolution - Edges detection by Sobel operators - Thresholding - Applied to video streaming with OpenCV :
Jul.'03 |  | Web Developer - DIH - Service Informatique des hôpitaux de Toulouse | | |
Development of a PHP/MySQL intranet application -
Setting up and configuring an Apache server on Debian GNU/Linux -
Specifications of the database -
Completion of the PHP interface. |
Mar.'02 |  | Master Trainee - IPHC | | |
Energy calibration of the calorimeter of the NEM03 experiment intended to determine a upper limit on the electronic neutrino mass - Analysis of the reconstruction of events in Fortran, statistical analysis of the photomultipliers in Fortran/MySQL and in Shell script bash - Validation of the calibration and physical interpretation of the results :  |
Nov.'01 |  | Master Numerical Simulation Project - IPHC | | |
Estimation of Higgs Boson mass by perceptron in C++ on π0/γ separation in the
electromagnetic calorimeter CMS of LHC (Large Hadron Collider) -
Specifications of the neuronal network -
Coding on Debian GNU/Linux - Validation of the learning stage :  |
Jul.'01 |  | Trainee - ONERA (National Aerospace Research Center) | | |
Development of an application on the interpolation of electron fluxes in the Van Allen radiation belt -
Specifications, coding in IDL on Solaris, validation of the results.
Aug.'00 |  | Trainee - LAM (Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory) | | |
Use of the hyperz program with view to the GALEX satellite - Program with which the redshift of observed objects may be calculated from their photometry - Data processing on ESO-MIDAS - Validation of the results.
Systems |  | UNIX (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX), Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Red-hat), MacOS, Windows |
Programming languages |  | C/C++, Ada, Fortran, Java, Python, Shell (zsh,bash,ksh), SPARC Assembly, VHDL |
Web languages |  | (X)HTML, CSS, XML, PHP, Javascript, HTML5 Canvas, WebGL |
GUI libraries |  | Swing, AWT, Qt, GTK, OpenGL |
HPC libraries and tools |  | MPICH, OPEN-MPI, OpenMP, GPU/OpenCL/Nvidia, Gprof, Valgrind/Callgrind, PBS scheduler |
Methodology |  | Design Patterns, UML |
DBMSes |  | MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle |
Networks |  | TCP/IP, Apache, Zope, Tomcat |
IDEs |  | Eclipse, Borland, Netbeans |
Scientific softwares |  | Matlab (Simulink, Image Processing, Symbolic math functions, Builder JA), IDL, ESO-MIDAS, Maple |
Office application softwares |  | Latex, MS-Office |
French |  | Mother tongue |
English |  | Upper Intermediate (TOEIC: 720 points) |
Spanish |  | Conversational |